WS2812 Control#
Harness the power of WS1280 LED strips with the DualMCU ONE board. Learn how to control RGB LED strips and create dazzling lighting effects using MicroPython.
This section describes how to control WS2812 LED strips using the DualMCU ONE board. The DualMCU ONE board has a GPIO pin embebbed connected to the single WS2812 LED.

Fig. 39 WS2812 LED Strip#
Code Example#
Below is an example that demonstrates how to control WS1280 LED strips using the DualMCU ONE board:
from machine import Pin
from neopixel import NeoPixel
np = NeoPixel(Pin(24), 1)
np[0] = (255, 128, 0) # set to red, full brightness
for more information on the NeoPixel library, refer to the NeoPixel Library Documentation.