6. Alarm System (INPUT)

Exercises with the DualMCU Board - MicroPython

6. Alarm system


Implement a system to generate an alarm sound with motion detection.

NOTA In this practices, you will use the microcontroller ESP32.


The alarm system is fundamental for maintaining security in a space or property. In this section, we will share resources and code to construct a personalized alarm system that can adapt to your specific needs using ESP32 microcontroller with MicroPython.


Connection Diagram

To proceed, here’s a connection diagram between the Motion sensor AM312 and the development board. Connection Diagram

Additionally, for programming the DualMCU, select the configuration for using ESP32.

Block Diagram


The following code manages the motion sensor and activates the audible alarm using a buzzer. This code can serve as a starting point for creating a more advanced system.

from machine import Pin
import time

# Configura el pin del sensor PIR y el buzzer
pir_pin = Pin(16, Pin.IN)  # Reemplaza el número de pin según tu conexión
buzzer_pin = Pin(15, Pin.OUT)  # Reemplaza el número de pin según tu conexión

# Función para activar la alarma
def activate_alarm():
    print("¡Movimiento detectado! Activando alarma...")
    time.sleep(5)  # La alarma suena durante 5 segundos

print("Sistema de alarma PIR activado")

while True:
    if pir_pin.value() == 1:  # El sensor PIR detecta movimiento
    time.sleep(0.5)  # Espera 0.5 segundos antes de volver a verificar el sensor PIR


Upon running the script, you will first receive a system-ready message. Subsequently, if motion is detected, a message will be sent to the buzzer, triggering an alert for the movement.

Block Diagram


Creating a system to recognize the GPIO terminal I/O configuration of the DualMCU board with ESP32 is straightforward. The system effectively obtains an input signal through the PIR sensor, triggering the buzzer upon motion detection.

NOTE: Keep in mind that the presented codes are only examples and may require configuration adjustments according to specific needs and requirements.

Continue with the course Control Motors DC

  • License The code presented in this repository is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.0.

⌨️ with ❤️ from UNIT-Electronics 😊